About Us
Holy Pilgrim Temple Family
The Holy Pilgrim Temple Church of God In Christ was founded by the late William T. Jackson, Sr. The church started out in a small storefront but continued to grow in membership and anointing. Eventually the church grew and relocated to its current location at 8459 S. Western Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90047. When the Lord saw fit to call founding Pastor William Jackson, Sr. from his labor to eternal glory, Elder Gabriel Jackson Sr. was elevated into the role of senior pastor and continues the legacy of powerful preaching and effective ministry. Under the leadership of Pastor Gabriel Jackson, Sr. the church continues to move forward as an agent of change that positively impacts families and the community by assisting people with their spiritual growth, physical needs and personal goals.
Our Pastor
Pastor Gabriel J. Jackson, Sr. has been preaching The Good News since he was licensed as a Minister in 1984. From an early age, he develops a love for the Lord and felt a call to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Leading Holy Pilgrim Temple since 1987, Pastor Jackson remains steadfast in his quest to "develop disciples." He is recognized as a catalyst to help individuals grow into life long Christian disciples who follow Jesus Christ. Pastor Jackson believes that these individuals will impact the world on behalf of the Lord, thereby strengthening families and healing broken hearts.